WP 4: Communication: educational and through media

WP4 has three main purposes:

1. To design a RESISTANCE Web Portal, whose aim, paramount for the project’s dissemination strategy, is to create an open-access platform that assembles the existing digital materials of host institutions related with the contents of the project. It should integrate data and material produced by researchers, groups and host institutions during the project. This information is crucial to broadcast the results of the WP as documentaries, radio programmes, screen exhibitions, and short videos.

2. To record the activities carried out by individual researchers and staff members through different media. The goal of this task is to document research and other academic activities developed by researchers during the duration of the project, namely public talks and debates (workshops, training activities), classes, interviews with local researchers, audio-visual recording of interviews with relevant stakeholders and policymakers, as well as the recording of the eight symposia and the two workshops that will be organized throughout the course of RESISTANCE.

3. To provide a photographic and audio-visual archive produced by individual researchers during their stay in different institutions. The aim is to document, through images and interviews, the individual field research and interactions with local communities, with a particular focus on everyday forms of resistance, attitudes and social differences.


Work Package Leaders

Benedetta Albani

Benedetta Albani

Mafalda Soares da Cunha

Mafalda Soares da Cunha

Ana Sofia Ribeiro

Ana Sofia Ribeiro

António Camões Gouveia

António Camões Gouveia