Extension of the submission period for the call for papers of Symposium VII/RESISTANCE

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Extension of the submission period for the call for papers of Symposium VII/RESISTANCE

Extension of the submission period for the call for papers of Symposium VII/RESISTANCE-Cabo Verde - 6, 7 and 8 JUN/2023 > Until February 23rd

The Symposium VII/RESISTANCE, entitled Cultural Resistances in Iberian Empires (1500-1850) is a scientific event of the University of Cape Verde (UNICV) and the RESISTANCE Project: Rebellion and Resistance in Iberian Empires, XVI-XIX centuries (778076-H2020-MSCA-RISE-2017). 
It will be held through the Faculty of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts and the UNESCO Chair in History and Heritage, on June 6, 7 and 8, 2023, in Praia, Cabo Verde.

Themes that will correspond to the different panels:
- Resistances in material culture and daily life (house, food, clothing, utensils, etc.). 
- Body, disease and cure. 
- Arts and resistance (literature, music, visual and performing arts). 
- Language(s) and resistance.  
- Representations. Qualifying and disqualifying others. 
- Religious practices as cultural resistance.  
- Rituals, festivals and sociabilities. Re-significations 

We are also accepting paper proposals in the form of abstracts (13-15 lines), in Portuguese, Spanish and English, accompanied by keywords and a biographical summary (13-15 lines). 
It is also informed that travel and accommodation costs will not be covered by the organizers. However, the organizers of the Symposium can provide information about accommodation possibilities and travel planning. 

Please send, until February 23, 2023, proposals to the address: