HISTORICIZING - Second Session “Historicizing collective action: mobilization, participation, and representation in context”

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HISTORICIZING - Second Session “Historicizing collective action: mobilization, participation, and representation in context”

Second Session 

“Historicizing collective action: mobilization, participation, and representation in context”

This second session of the seminar proposes a critical review of the foundations of collective action, tracing the different generations of theories on protest in the social sciences throughout the 20th century and up to the present day. In search of a historical perspective, it explores the interrelation over time of three levels —mobilisation, participation and representation— which it proposes to observe by showing their process of growing autonomy as instituted and discursive dimensions in the transition from the Ancien Régime to modernity. 

To illustrate this perspective, three milestones in modern peninsular history are examined: the uprising of the cities of Castile in 1520-1521, the riot against Esquilache in 1766 and the movement of town juntas from 1808 to the start of the constituent process in Cadiz in 1810-1812, analysing the different behaviour in terms of mobilisation, participation and representation of the privileged nobility as a estate compared to the organisation of the non-privileged groups.


CHAM - Centro de Humanidades - Linha temática “Teoría e metodología”
RESISTANCE: Rebellion and resistance in the Iberian Empires, 16th-19th centuries (

The complete video is available: